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Metal Detecting in National Parks: Is It Allowed?

Metal Detecting in National Parks: Is It Allowed?

Your metal detector is ready to go, and now you can't wait to take it out into the world; we hear that! Before you go out, make sure to do your research on the laws.

It can be challenging to keep up with metal detecting laws when they vary between countries, states, and even counties.

Your best bet is to contact local officials when trying somewhere new to go detecting, but for now, we can help you get a grip of where to start.

Here's to more responsible metal detecting!

Using a metal detector in National Parks

When looking for places to explore, a park may be one of the first to pop into your head. Therefore the question is obvious, can you use a metal detector in National Parks?

First, you need to know that laws and permits will vary between different parks. If you're looking to dig into a National or State Park, it is most likely that metal detectors are not permitted. However, measures change between states, and you may be in luck!

In Florida, for example, State Parks allow detectorists to explore designated areas. At coastal parks, feel free to hunt between the waterline and toe of the dune. When in doubt, feel free to ask the park managers to indicate the detectors-allowed area.

County parks usually have the least amount of restrictions, but as mentioned before, it will depend on your state.

How to use a metal detector in National Parks

National and State Parks are often protected and have historical or tribal significance. However, it is possible to explore some park areas if they are free of historical resources.

For almost any federal or state land, you can look into asking for permission from the park superintendent, district commander, or other federal officials.

When asking for permission, whether to use a metal detector in National Parks or on private property, make sure to check the laws beforehand. Then, remember these helpful tips:

  • Be polite and follow the metal detectorist's code of ethics.
  • Offer to recover lost items, and report any historical finds or "treasure".
  • Be transparent about the techniques you will use.
  • Reassure the person responsible that you will plug holes, collect trash, and do as little damage as possible.

Once you get permission, it may be safer to get it in writing, specifying the time and date you are allowed to explore the land, the equipment and tools you will use, and both your and the landowner's contact information.

If you're looking to explore someone's private property, you may spark interest by informing the landowner about historical facts about their property. Remember that being a well-behaved detectorist will help you gain the landowner's trust to keep on being allowed on their property!

We wish you the best of luck in your exploration. Make sure that you have the best equipment to take you to success by upgrading your tools. Find everything you'll need at our online store by clicking here!

Can you use metal detectors in national parks

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If you need assistance with your purchase or want more information, contact us on WhatsApp +1786-909-3320 or write to us at Info@Detectorpower.Com A group of specialists will be attending to your requests.

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Detector Online Training

With your new detector, you will receive a Quick Start Guide, a valuable resource designed to guide you through the essential steps of operating your new device seamlessly. This user-friendly guide is tailored to ensure that even beginners can quickly grasp the fundamental functions and features.

For those seeking a more profound understanding, a comprehensive manual accompanies your purchase. This detailed manual delves into the intricacies of your detector, providing a wealth of information for users eager to explore advanced settings and capabilities.

However, the pinnacle of expertise in harnessing your detector's full potential lies in professional training. While guides and manuals offer a solid foundation, professional training takes your knowledge to the next level. Through hands-on instruction and insights from seasoned experts, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your detector's nuances and unlock its optimal performance.

During the individual training, our detector Expert addresses your wishes and questions, provides you tips and tricks and helps you to improve your chances of success with your detector.

  • Theoretical introduction
  • Overview of the functionality and operating modes of your detector
  • Using the detector on the test field
  • Tips and tricks for advanced users
  • Improving your measurement procedure
  • Evaluation of the scans on the detector display
  • Answers to your questions

In addition to a general introduction to the functionality and operating modes of your detector, the detector Expert explains how to use the detector efficiently in the field. In doing so, he can correct small errors during the measurement and advise you on special features of your search projects.

You will learn how to check your measurements and further improve your scanning technique independently. You can also draw initial conclusions about potential target objects in the underground.

  • Service & Support: for entry-level, experienced and professional detectorists
  • Schedule: After you add the paid training, we will contact you to schedule your training with our expert.

Trainings are charged per hour! Additional costs may apply for training sessions. For special requests please contact us at