Mega Detection Infinity Max Pro Metal Detector
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Depth: 50 meters
Distance: 3000 square meters
Infinity Max Pro metal detector is the most comprehensive and powerful metal detector in terms of metal detection technologies and detection tools available in the device, which cover a variety of metal detection applications that include the detection of deep treasures, gold prospecting , underground cavities and tunnels detection and many practical applications.
Mega Detection offers, through Infinity Max Pro, a practical and multi-purpose multi-systems metal detector and 3D ground scanner with 12 search systems that provides integrated and multiple solutions for different categories of professional treasure hunters, archaeological treasure seekers, and even mineral exploration companies.
Infinity Max Pro integrates all metal detection technologies in one device through a complete set of different probes and sensors and coils that include completely new search technologies with a modern, advanced multilingual software program that provides the user with a smooth and easy experience when choosing different search systems and adjusting their settings and watching the visual representation of all search systems via the device screen or via the Multi Visual Analyzer app on any Android tablet.
Search System
1. 3D Ground Scan System [GROUND SCAN]
It is most accurate and powerful search system, a brand-new technology system designed with advanced technology from Mega Detection.
Ground Scan system helps the user to scan the ground via the Multi Ground Scanner (M.G.S) and create a 2D visualization on the screen of the device or a 3D visualization via Multi Visual Analyzer app for Mega Detection devices on any supported Android tablet device.
The M.G.S is equipped with four scanning sensors, which allow reading a single pulse accurately and very high efficiency, and is equipped with a very large number of ground induction spectrum, and it is the technology responsible for determining the shape and depth of the target, and therefore the device is considered one of the most accurate devices in determining target shape and depth accurately.
Ground Scan systems has a wide options and settings that can be adjusted including:
Result Display
The user can select one of two options:
Search Mode
It is the method of performing the scan procedure and can be set to:
Path value present how user will move in search are to complete the scan process and there are two options:
That mean the direction of scan will be in one direction on every line or all scan lines will be parallel.
Here user can set following settings:
Start Point
User can set the point in search area (rectangular area that include scan lines and points) where the scan procedure will begin.
After settings of all previous setting the Scan tab will display a summary of selected settings and user can press OK on device control panel to start the scan procedure.
During the scan process the measurement in every scan point will be presented visually on screen as 2D grid consisting of rows and columns of cells and every cell presented in specific color that reflect the structure of related ground area.
The table below show the type of ground for each color:
Green | Light Blue | Blue | Yellow | Red |
Normal Ground | Small Cavity | Cavity | metal objects | gold |
On the right side of 2D grid there are many values presented:
current x (line number) – current y (current point) – search value
In case that user choose to complete the scan via the tablet device, the same values and settings are set within the analyzing app installed on tablet, and the scanning is performed by the device in the same way, and the results are displayed directly on the tablet screen in the form of a three-dimensional graph that gives the user a more accurate possibility to illustrate and know the buried targets, their type, depth and exact position within the scanned area.
2. Automatic Long-Range Locator [AUTO LRL]
AUTO LRL search system uses a special probe called the Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit or I.M.T.U, to search for the signals of potential targets within the long-range scanning field and the reflected signals are received through a pair of antennas.
It is an advanced search system that covers large regions of the search area and this system has the ability to automatically identify all types of buried metals within a scanning area of up to 3000 m and depths up to 100 m, and display the results in the form of values that indicate the percentage of detected targets in the surround of the prospector.
Here is a list of settings that can be adjusted by the user:
It is the distance in front-range or direction of search and can be set in 0 – 3000 m range
It is the maximum depth of possible targets that the device can reach to find potential targets, its value can be set in 0 – 100 m range. Depending on the size of the buried objective.
After selecting of previous settings the user can start the search process , and during search the antennas will move left or right depending on possible nearby targets , a visual indicator on screen will guide the user as it display a left or right progress bar with gradient colors from green (minimum) to red(maximum value) depending on progress bar value .
The user must track the movement of antennas tell he got a best signals and after finishing he can move to next screen “Report” screen that will display a visual report about possible target as four horizontal bars (gold – silver – iron – diamond) , every bar will display an estimated percentage value that indicate probability of target composition.
3.Control Long-Range Locator [CTRL LRL]
The frequency control system is one of the new technologies and important features that have been incorporated into Infinity Max Pro, which enables the user to choose the exact value of the search frequency in order to search for any type of targets that the prospector tries to reach and find, thus ensuring more accurate results.
When searching using this system, the user can also set various other values and settings related to the search, which are search frequency, soil type and front distance as it is detailed below:
Soil Type
It is the type of soil and can be set depending on the ground that the prospectors search in it, and can be set to one of following types:
Rock – Neutral – Mixed – Metallic – Clay – Sandy – Mineral – Chalky -Salty.
User can set the custom search frequency value manually using this option.
The values range is between 100 and 5000 MHz
It is the maximum distance between user location and the target position during the searching process. It means that user can search custom circular distance around himself and this distance start from 0 to 3000 m.
It is maximum depth of possible targets that the device can reach to find potential targets, its value can be set in 0 – 50 m range depends on the buried objective size.
After adjusting all of previous settings the user moves to scan screen and press “start scan” button to begin the search process.
The results screen will display a circular indicator, the direction arrow reflects the direction of antennas in degrees, beneath it the signal graph and on the right the inclination bar (alignment tool) that explained previously.
A small digital compass displayed in top-left corner of screen that point to north.
4. Manual Long-Range Locator [MANUAL LRL]
This search system uses the Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit or I.M.T.U, which sends high-frequency wave signals in the direction of the search, and the reflected signals are received through a pair of antennas, in this system it is possible to specify the type or program of the target to be searched for, this option means that the device does not receive any signal except for the target signal that has been selected, with options to set the front distance up to 3000 m and the depth up to 50 m before starting the search, this system contains 11 separate search programs, which can be selected from the list of targets.
In this system, the search values and settings are manually adjusted by the user according to his preferences before starting the search, and the following values can be adjusted:
User can choose the target type, that means a type of metal the target is made of, and he can choose from preset search programs that include all types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
Examples: gold – silver – copper – diamonds – gemstones.
The distance value reflects the scanning field in the forward direction, and the value can be chosen accurately within a range between 0 – 3000 meters
It is the value of the maximum search depth that can be accessed through the current search settings, and the value can be set precisely within the range from 0 to 50 meters
After adjusting the previous search settings, a digital compass appears on the device’s screen, containing an indicator indicating the direction of the device (for example, towards the north), with a graded indicator in the form of a semicircle that represents the direction of movement of the antennas according to the user’s movement when searching.
Among the important features that allow the user to accurately and correctly adjust the angle of inclination of the device is the gradient tilt indicator, which represents the degree of inclination of the device from the horizon, the green color indicates the correct values, and the red color for the wrong values of the inclination angle.
5. Ionic System [IONIC]
Ionic system has been developed according to a completely new technology, which is the first of its kind in metal detectors, and is a major development from the traditional system found in Mega Detection and competing devices as well, as the new technology allows accurate detection of ionic fields resulting from metal targets buried underground ,thanks to the Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit (I.M.T.U) that ensures accurate reception and processing of signals, with the ability to control some signal settings on the screen to obtain more accurate results.
After selecting the ionic system, the device will start search directly here are the possible settings that can be set:
During the search process and according to the target scanning, the ionic system will make special scan sound and it represents the target ability or the distance between user and the target.
The user can change the value of sensitivity to analyze the output sound, its value range is between 0 and 100.
It is the signal gain or in other words signal strength, the user can control the signal strength using this option, and it presented as percentage value (0-100).
Generally, to set the device to detect large size targets, reduce this value and increase this value for detection of small targets.
The previous values presented in result screen as circular percentage indicators on right side and signal power indicator displayed below, there is also a save option to save results into device memory.
6. Bionic System [BIONIC]
This search system is similar to the ionic search system in how it works and uses the Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit (I.M.T.U) to perform the scan.
The difference here is that ionic signals are captured from a specific metallic object.
For example, from gold, then the search is directed towards capturing ionic signals similar to metal objects buried underground within the surrounding area.
After selecting the ionic system and pointing the IMTU to specific target made of the metal that will be searched for, the device will start search in direction of user movement and there are same options as in Ionic system can be adjusted:
The user can change the value of sensitivity to analyze the output sound, its value range is between 0 and 100.
It is the signal gain or in other words signal strength, the user can control the signal strength using this option, and it presented as percentage value (0-100).
Generally, to set the device to detect large size targets, reduce this value and increase this value for detection of small targets.
The previous values presented in result screen as circular percentage indicators on right and left sides and signal power indicator displayed below, there is also a save option to save results.
7. Live Stream System [LIVE STREAM]
Live Stream System is a system developed to detect ferrous and non-ferrous (precious) metals, as well as spaces such as caves and tunnels, the scanning is done by the Vertical High Signal Transceiver (V.S.T) probe in real time, i.e. in the form of a direct transmission with an optical and visual representation of the signal according to a specific flow that reflects the nature and type of the metal on device screen or via the tablet via Multi Visual Analyzer application, for Mega Detection devices.
This system can make searching and finding burials, archaeological treasures and cavities such as tunnels and underground caves easy for the user with greater speed and greater accuracy and with reliable results and tools to analyze the results and know the location and depth of targets easily, the speed of the signal flow can be adjusted during the search process and thus the speed can be adjusted according to user walking speed and movement.
The signals captured by the conical probe are represented on the device screen according to a continuous color scheme that changes color according to the type of possible target, similarly the color is Red when capturing a precious metal signal and green for ground.
In conjunction with the color indicator the device will make sounds according to the target type whose signal was captured.
Also, the user can see a visual representation of the signals captured by the sensor on the tablet that came with the device within 3D analyzer app that displays the signal scheme in a graph and the color of the graph will change in a similar way depending on the nature of the signal in other words the type of metal or target.
8. Pin Pointer System [PINPOINTER]
This system uses the V.S.T probe to accurately locate the target, and it can discriminate between the presence of a metal target or an underground cavity such as a tomb or a tunnel through variable sound tones or through a graph displayed on the screen, when the signal strength increases, the graph lines will appear larger on the screen.
In the result screen of this system there are many options:
During the search process and according to the target scanning, the pin pointer system will make special scan sound and graph on the screen that it represents the target presence under the ground.
The user can change the value of sensitivity at any time to be able to analyze the output sound and the graph.
User can use this option to calibrate the sensor sensitivity at any time according to the ground type and the area state.
Reset the calibration process to default value.
The visual representation of received signals on device screen is a curved graph that is in the case of receiving metal signals consisting of rectangles facing upward, of different length, graded color from green to red in the center at the maximum values, and then graded towards green with low values.
In the case of receiving cavity signals – such as a tunnel – it will be made of rectangles facing downwards, of different length, ranging from green to dark blue in the middle at the maximum values, and then graded towards green at lower values.
9. Pulse Induction System [PULSE INDUCTION]
This system incorporates new technology that bring great performance in ferrous and non-ferrous metal detection in different ground conditions, soil types and terrain.
Pulse Induction system use a powerful PS50 a Double D (DD) search coil to detect buried metallic object that offer great search depth and efficiency to detect hard to find targets.
The received signals visualized on device screen and audio tones provide additional feedback for user to know target type.
User can adjust following settings or options
Ground Balance
This option provides adjusting the ground balance according to the terrain in the search area, this is done by pressing the OK button once while keeping the DD search coil parallel to the ground until the process is completed, it is important to perform ground balance before starting the search.
This option can control the threshold of sound of the received signals, which can be set according to the user’s preference, either to hear the weakest faint signals coming from very small targets or to ignore them to focus on hearing the signals of larger-size targets.
The user can set the value between 1 and 6.
This setting refers to the option that controls the volume of received signals, which are located at greater depths (deep, not shallow targets), as it can be set within a range of values from 1 to 6, and the higher number indicates a higher volume.
This option adjusts the audio tone settings, where it is possible to choose between several levels of tones, and by changing them, the visual representation of the signals changes.
The results screen in the pulse induction system displays to the right of the buttons corresponding to the previous settings, a colored 2D graph that changes according to the target over which the PS50 coil passes and the bottom of the graph displays two indicators corresponding to the type of target detected (ferrous or non-ferrous) whose length changes according to the received signals.
10. Smart Detection System [SMART DETECT]
Smart detect system is a perfect choice for prospectors to find natural gold nuggets, small relics, jewelry, coins and other metal types at small depths about 3 meters or less.
Developed with enhanced technology in terms of features, metal discrimination and two search coils (PS36, PS28) to offer best performance in all terrain and soil types.
When conducting a search with the smart detection system there are two sub modes that correspond to each search coil:
1 – Mode 1 / PS36
Use the PS36 [a coil with 36 cm diameter] to detect targets, the device display a screen that includes indicators and buttons through which the detection settings and options can be set, as follows:
By selecting this button and pressing the OK button, the user can perform a calibration of the coils before starting the search, for more accurate results.
Choosing the detection mode is done by activating one of the three buttons corresponding to detection mode, which are:
1 – All Metals
It is a general detection mode, by activating it, the device can receive signals from ferrous and non-ferrous metal targets.
2 – Non Ferrous
By activating this detection mode, the device will filter the signals to receive signals of non-ferrous metal targets only such as gold, silver and copper, meaning that the device ignores the signals of targets made of ferrous materials
3 – Ferrous
This detection mode is opposite to the previous mode, where the device receives signals from iron targets only, such as iron, and ignores the signals of other metals
The sound that comes out through the internal speaker on the device is enabled or not through this option, which is a useful in the case that the user wants to know the type of target through the digital indicator without hearing the sound like in noisy environments.
It is a circular digital graphic indicator that displays in the center of the circle a number called the digital target identifier (Target ID) corresponding to a specific type of metal such as gold.
On both sides of the circle, there are two symmetrical semi-circular indicators made up of bars that are gradually colored from bottom to top according to the strength of the target signal and according to the selected detection mode.
In case of the All Metal detection mode, the left semicircular indicator is activated only if the target is non-ferrous and is in gradual colors from yellow to red, however in case of a ferrous target, the right indicator is activated only, and the color gradient is from green to blue.
In the case of Non Ferrous detection mode, the two indicators are activated in gradual colors from yellow to red (number of colored bars depends on signal strength).
In the case of Ferrous mode, the two indicators are activated in gradual colors from green to blue.
This option can control the threshold of sound of the received signals, user can set it using vertical indicator with values from 1 to 6 , it increases with number that mean higher threshold value correspond to hearing weakest signals for example coming from very small gold nuggets .
2 – Mode 2 / PS28
Use the PS28 [a coil with 28 cm diameter] to detect targets, the device display a screen that includes two vertical indicators on sides and graphical indicator in middle.
The explanation these indicators as follows:
The left vertical indicator define sensitivity level , user can set it to one of 9 levels , the higher the sensitivity value corresponding to detection of smaller targets and vice versa .
It is right-side vertical indicator define threshold value , user can set it to one of 9 values the higher the value corresponding to hearing sounds of smallest targets , and smallest values match hearing sound of larger targets.
It is graphical indicator in middle of screen, display a Target ID number and FE / NONFE indicators that enabled based on metal type ( ferrous or non-ferrous) , plus the visual signal indicator which displays a set of circles with increasing diameters from top to bottom that light up (activated) based on the signal strength of the detected target.
11. Geophysical System [GEOPHYSICAL]
The geophysical system is a high-performance system that uses geoelectrical measurement of the ground resistivity using wedges (pegs) which planted in the ground and based on the resistivity values of the soil in the search area, the device can determine the presence or absence of different types of targets including cavities such as caves, tunnels and hidden rooms, in addition To different types of minerals such as gold, silver, copper and even groundwater deposits, which are predetermined within the system settings.
User can adjust following settings before starting search:
First, the type of target to be searched is determined from among a list of targets that include: Gold – Bronze – Silver – Water – Iron – Cavity – Copper
After selecting the type of target, the device pumps an electric current through the two wedges according to the chosen target, and the soil resistance is measured in the search area, and according to the measurement values, the results screen is displayed and there are two cases:
1 – Target is found
The results screen displays a 2D plot in the form of a set of color-changing ellipsoid curves from green to red with a peak in the middle of the graph and corresponding to a certain value on the vertical axis corresponding to a percentage representing the probability of the target presence in the area.
To the right of the 2D plot show a set of information within rectangles that include the following:
Target: refer to selected target type (Gold for example)
Value: refer to value related to ground resistivity measurement
Rate: it is a percentage value of target presence probability, this ratio corresponds to apex of the upper ellipse on curves.
2 – Target not found
Here the curves (ellipses) mentioned above will not be drawn, a message will be displayed instead indicating that the target was not found.
In this case the value of the Value related to soil resistance and the value of the Ratio will be equal to zero.
12. Tunnel Scan System [TUNNEL SCAN]
This systems uses a multi-sensor ground scanner probe to perform a detailed 3D ground scan but here with the focus on detecting cavities and underground structures such as tunnels, rooms, basements, shelters, caves, etc.
The device provides a two-dimensional visual representation on the display screen in the form of a grid according to the division of the search field and with a more accurate three-dimensional representation on any Android tablet computer via the Multi Visual Analyzer app.
The tunnel scan system is a special sub-mode of the ground scanning system to detect underground cavities only, so the settings and options for scanning in this system is identical with the settings in the ground scan system that were previously detailed, the only difference is that scanning metal targets is ignored and the display and imaging of underground cavities including tunnels, cellars and basements.
Accessories Included from Factory
* 2 years warranty
Import Duties, Taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer responsibility.
With your new detector, you will receive a Quick Start Guide, a valuable resource designed to guide you through the essential steps of operating your new device seamlessly. This user-friendly guide is tailored to ensure that even beginners can quickly grasp the fundamental functions and features.
For those seeking a more profound understanding, a comprehensive manual accompanies your purchase. This detailed manual delves into the intricacies of your detector, providing a wealth of information for users eager to explore advanced settings and capabilities.
However, the pinnacle of expertise in harnessing your detector's full potential lies in professional training. While guides and manuals offer a solid foundation, professional training takes your knowledge to the next level. Through hands-on instruction and insights from seasoned experts, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your detector's nuances and unlock its optimal performance.
During the individual training, our detector Expert addresses your wishes and questions, provides you tips and tricks and helps you to improve your chances of success with your detector.
In addition to a general introduction to the functionality and operating modes of your detector, the detector Expert explains how to use the detector efficiently in the field. In doing so, he can correct small errors during the measurement and advise you on special features of your search projects.
You will learn how to check your measurements and further improve your scanning technique independently. You can also draw initial conclusions about potential target objects in the underground.
Trainings are charged per hour! Additional costs may apply for training sessions. For special requests please contact us at info@detectorpower.com