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The Technology Behind Treasure Hunters

The Technology Behind Treasure Hunters

Not all metal detectors work in the same way and their technology can determine the success of our treasure hunt, so we bring you here what you need to know about their structure and detector technologies:


The basic anatomy of a standard gold detector consists mainly of four parts: an electronic unit or central unit, which is the one that sends and analyzes the signals; a screen that helps interpret these signals; a coil stick that is the one that will give the detector structure itself and the coil that is in charge of sending and receiving the electromagnetic fields from the ground. Now we can look more deeply at the three main types of technologies:

VLF (Balance Sheet Induction)

The gold induction balance detectors are the best known as these detectors can discriminate. VLF stands for Very Low Frequency.

Normally the electromagnetic fields that are going to work in the detectors are going to operate in frequency levels that are within what it is possible to identify in an auditory way and for that reason, we are going to obtain some metal detector machine that are going to go from an average of 2kHz up to about 20kHz that is what as humans is not audible, although some other model of machine can arrive up to 50kHz.

A VLF detector will generally have the characteristic of having a coil divided into two parts: a transmitter coil that will send the signal and a receiver coil capable of capturing the signal jump.

PI (Pulse Induction)

These metal detectors work very well in mineralized soils. They usually have a large coil and the same coil will operate as transmitter and receiver.

A PI gold detector works in a slightly different way to a VLF, in a short time the detector sends an electrical signal, an electromagnetic field is generated and once it passes the electricity begins to fall. With these gold detectors it is difficult to discriminate but some models, the most modern, are able to detect whether a metal is inductive or resistive.

BFO (Signal Frequency Oscillator)

The third group is that of the lesser-known metal seekers but not for that reason less important. This type of detector does not discriminate but will generate a warning alert to the proximity of metal.

These metal detectors they're usually going to work with a bobbin When there is no metal nearby nothing happens but when there is a metal nearby the front coil of the rear coil will be even more out of phase by sending us a signal that there is metal nearby.

In Detector Power you can get the best in metal detectors, so take advantage of our offers and free shipping we have find with us the technology that best suits your search!

Artículo anterior The 7 Capital Rules Of Treasure Hunters
Artículo siguiente The True Story Of Metal Detectors: when was metal detector invented

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Detector Online Training

With your new detector, you will receive a Quick Start Guide, a valuable resource designed to guide you through the essential steps of operating your new device seamlessly. This user-friendly guide is tailored to ensure that even beginners can quickly grasp the fundamental functions and features.

For those seeking a more profound understanding, a comprehensive manual accompanies your purchase. This detailed manual delves into the intricacies of your detector, providing a wealth of information for users eager to explore advanced settings and capabilities.

However, the pinnacle of expertise in harnessing your detector's full potential lies in professional training. While guides and manuals offer a solid foundation, professional training takes your knowledge to the next level. Through hands-on instruction and insights from seasoned experts, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your detector's nuances and unlock its optimal performance.

During the individual training, our detector Expert addresses your wishes and questions, provides you tips and tricks and helps you to improve your chances of success with your detector.

  • Theoretical introduction
  • Overview of the functionality and operating modes of your detector
  • Using the detector on the test field
  • Tips and tricks for advanced users
  • Improving your measurement procedure
  • Evaluation of the scans on the detector display
  • Answers to your questions

In addition to a general introduction to the functionality and operating modes of your detector, the detector Expert explains how to use the detector efficiently in the field. In doing so, he can correct small errors during the measurement and advise you on special features of your search projects.

You will learn how to check your measurements and further improve your scanning technique independently. You can also draw initial conclusions about potential target objects in the underground.

  • Service & Support: for entry-level, experienced and professional detectorists
  • Schedule: After you add the paid training, we will contact you to schedule your training with our expert.

Trainings are charged per hour! Additional costs may apply for training sessions. For special requests please contact us at info@detectorpower.com